



Step1 定式化
P: BPHによる尿閉・カテーテル挿入患者に

Step2/3 情報収集と批判的吟味
UpToDateでAcute Urinary Retentionという記事を発見。
Summary and Recommendationに、以下の記載あり(太字はM. Junによる、以下同様)。

●In men with BPH or presumed BPH, treatment also includes an alpha-1-adrenergic antagonist (eg, alfuzosin 10 mg daily) initiated at the time of initial catheterization. Ongoing combination treatment is generally necessary to prevent recurrence of AUR. (See 'Medical management' above and "Medical treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia", section on 'Alpha-1-adrenergic antagonist and 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor'.)

●In men with BPH, removal of the catheter after a period of time ("trial without catheter" or TWOC) results in successful spontaneous micturition in up to 40 percent of patients, although recurrent AUR is common. We suggest a trial of catheter removal in one to two weeks. For patients who fail the initial TWOC, we advise a second trial of TWOC after an additional two weeks with the catheter. (See 'Trial without a catheter' above.)

●Men with BPH who fail a second TWOC may need surgical therapy. A urodynamic evaluation is advised prior to prostate surgery for patients who have experienced AUR. (See 'Surgical therapy' above.)

知りたい情報に近づいたので、リンクをたどり、Medical treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia 内の項目 Alpha-1-adrenergic antagonist and 5-alpha-reductase inhibitorをざっと読む。

In patients with severe symptoms of BPH (IPSS ≥20) (table 2), those who are known to have a large prostate (>40 mL), and/or in those who do not get an adequate response to maximal dose monotherapy with an alpha-adrenergic antagonist, we suggest combination treatment with an alpha-adrenergic antagonist and a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor.
(中略)The number needed to treat to prevent one instance of overall clinical progression was 8.4 for combination therapy, 13.7 for doxazosin, and 15.0 for finasteride.

・IPSS≧20、前立腺体積>40mL、α1作動薬だけでは効果不十分な患者では、5α還元酵素阻害薬の併用が推奨される(NNT 13.7→8.4)。

Step4 患者への適用

Step5 1-4のフィードバック
